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All information provided in this website has been prepared for general information and illustration purposes and does not establish, in any form, a business or professional services relationship with the author, Mander Duffill itself, or trading companies of Mander Duffill.

Although we have taken due care in the preparation of all information contained in this website, any reliance on the information is solely at the user’s risk. You should always take professional advice in relation to your circumstances. Mander Duffill accepts no responsibility for any loss (whether personal or business) resulting from reliance on any information contained in this website.

This Mander Duffill website contains links to other third party services and websites. Mander Duffill cannot provide any warranty (implied or otherwise) as to the accuracy or source of information contained in those websites or information you may download. Links from the Mander Duffill website to third party websites does not constitute any endorsement of these third party organisations or companies.

For the purposes of this statement, Mander Duffill includes Mander Duffill Limited and Mander Duffill Financial Advisers Limited.

Legal Disclaimer for Mander Duffill

Mander Duffill is the trading name of Mander Duffill Ltd. Reg. No. 06962383, registered in England. Registered Office: The Old Post Office, 41-43 Market Place, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3HR.

Registered to carry out audit work and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, C002318672.

Mander Duffill is authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales to carry out investment business.

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